We didn't start out with the intention of becoming Colordo sales tax "experts".  In fact, is there such a thing?

We started out 4 years ago as an accounting service for freelancers and sole proprietors; those who had never had their own business and now found themselves having to navigate in the role of owner/operator. 

Through our retail clients, in diverse industries, we have found ourselves on the retailer/accountant end of the Colorado sales tax spectrum.  From this perspective, we understand the frustration of having to find the answers, sometimes with no answer to be found.  

We have become ardent advocates for those needing a voice in this sales tax space.  As a member of the Simplify Colorado Sales Tax coalition board, we are taking your questions to those who can address them.   This coalition has been the impetus behind much of the recent legislation to simplify sales tax remittance in Colorado and has authored and presented Colorado HB 23-143 - Retail Delivery Fees, which successfully passed in this last session.  If you have not heard about this coalition, you can learn more about their work here.